altered art

Salt shaker angels….

 I was super intrigued by the salt shaker angels I saw on Pinterest…..what a nice (if non functional) idea. I really wanted to try it, so I found some shakers, gunked them up with a base of texture paste, gesso and acrylics and then painted over it. I decided to ‘rust’ up the cap, which turned out beautifully, and made wings with the pages of an old book (which I read and it was horrible. Really). I gave the wings a lovely crackle glaze, and did a rusted bottle cap face, added embellishments….


I also thought, maybe it can be a functional item… can hold love notes, maybe a lock of hair or other keepsake from a loved one who’s passed on, grown up, or just a wish for yourself. I guess angels are pretty versatile when we need them to be.

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